Bridget Beari Color Rule #2 - Temper Hot Colors with Cool Colors
Temper Hot Colors with Cool Colors
This is a place where most people have trouble. They are looking for the biggest, grandest statement. The bigger, the bolder, the shinier, the better. It is so important to have balance within a room so theses strong statements don't take over. Don't get me wrong I love a bold statement but you have to know how to make it work!
photo from Martha Stewart Living
The balance is created by using a strong color like Dukey Pukey No. 20 behind the bookcase and painting a larger area - the bookcase in a cool color like Water Bowl No. 47. It is also key that the strong is used in the upholstery and walls are a neutral color. This allows the bookcase to act as a focal point but the colors are still balanced within the room.
To Find these colors, visit the website: Bridget Beari Colors
Sidebar: Dukey Pukey is a cat. She is tortoise color but her name is Daisy. Her nickname is Daisy Duke. Sometimes it changes to Dukey and then Dukey Pukey ( not puke like throw up ) but pukey like cutie!
Paint Tip:
1 gallon of paint will cover approximately 400 sq. ft. of wall