Bridget Beari Color Rule #21 - Tread Lightly With Wood Trim
Bridget Beari Color Rule #21
Wall colors are the hardest to pick with wood trim. You have to be extra aware of what tones are in the wood and how they change the color of the paint you put next to them.
One of the main pitfalls I see is homeowners trying to paint yellow walls next to wood trim that has green in it. It will change your wall color immediately.
Here are some rooms that do it right!
Just enough grey green in that beam to pull off that wall color.
Furniture ad for Bassett Furniture
Picking up the creamy white to accent the colors in the weathered wood.
Beautiful wood beams in this Diane Keaton house. Stucco walls in a grey/white wash highlights the red in the beams with out fighting it.
Architectural Digest
Wood beams and wood cabinets have a ton of orange and yellow in them. The green walls softens the overall mood without using white walls. Green can be really tricky. It can look sick with the yellow of the beams. It is working here but tread lightly!
Another green that might have worked better would be:
Verdi No. 35
It has more grey in it than yellow.
Did you know you can fix scratches on furniture with a walnut? Rub the raw walnut on the scratch and it will eliminate the scratch. Especially great for the legs of tables where the vacuum always seems to reek havoc!