Bridget Beari Color Rule #23 - Get Complementary!
Bridget Beari Color Rule #23
Complementary colors are 2 colors on the color wheel that when mixed in the proper proportions produce a neutral color like grey or black.
Red = Green
Blue = Orange
Yellow = Violet
If you are looking for some pop, these can create interesting color choices in interior space.
How about Farrow & Ball 's
Calluna #270
or Farrow & Ball's
Lulworth Blue #89
Design by Janie Molster, floor by Sunny Goode from Southern Accents
or a Bridget Beari Colors
Beasie No. 33
I found this chart on Pinterest. I'm at obsessed with china but I didn't even know that you set the table different at different meal times. I guess my mother only taught me the formal settings.